Dear Fellow Malaysian, election is coming, and for all of you who are eligible to vote, take a moment to think before you cast your vote.
Looking at where we are today, I would say "Malaysian are not smart voters"
If we look at Malaysia, these piece of land, its blessed with the potential to become an elite among the world, its small and easier to manage compare to coutry like Africa, India and etc. Its comes with fertilized soil and resources, from the days of rubber to palm oil, tropical forest and petroleum. We are located away of devastating natural disaster, the worst natural disaster we have is flood, compare to tsunami and earthquake, we are far more lucky, and most the disaster we encounter could be overcomed or avoid with construction policy.
But yet, we are lagging behind countries like Singapore, Hongkong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, which I would say doesn't enjoy the richness in resources like us, except better government policy.
That prompt me to ask myself, "What do I vote for?"
Do I vote for a politic figure? Do I vote for a party? Do I vote for Money?
No! I am voting for Malaysia's future, a future where talents are retained within the society, where tax payer money is wisely managed to benefits the whole instead of the minority, where Malaysian are superb competitive when competing on international level, where our future generation spends more time thinking in creating rather than surviving (you know, worrying about the rising cost in food, petrol and houses).
I remember during the election of 2008, Pak Lah pleaded to the people "Give me a chance"
But until today, I don't know why do Pak Lah need a chance, to do what?
But fine, majority of us handed him the chance. And he stepped down and handover his post as the Prime Minister without the our consent. Is that what we are voting for?
So dear fellow Malaysians, when you cast your vote, forget about what you gonna gain in the short term, think long term, think about the young and youth generations, they are the one who will be paying taxes to build the country, their capability shape how you and I will be living in future.
Our education system has been aggresively defended by the government, but when you look, the market is flooded with local university graduate which can't find the job they expect to get, especially Malay. While the Chinese don't seems to be suffering from this problem, why? Its time for us to think, Do we want to developed advantages due to unfair policy, or we would want to developed advantages in terms of self-capability.
Start to think, way before the election day, "What am I voting for"
And start to analysed the speech of the parties, candidates. Are they campaigning for the nation and the future, or they are campaigning for power.
The candidate I am voting for needs to have following criteria:
- He serves the community instead of empowering over the community. I won't vote for any assholes who walk up the stage and start to bargain with the people, because this is the act of a dictator who thinks he owns the people rather than he is the servant of people.
- He listen to the people instead of shutting us off. Every complaints and objections are chances for one to review his policy to brighten the nation's future.
- He must be transparent in his duty, policy and conduct. So that he will be focusing more on building up the nation, not making deals in gaining personal wealth or busy with cover up for himself.
- A leader with track record or potential. Start asking yourself, what have he done for the country to deserved to be given the opportunity? If one has been given the chance but done nothing much, why the fuck do we want him to be there again?
- And the final of all, one who is prepared to hold a debate with an opposition candidates and interview with any internaional media. If you are not ready to face an opposition candidate or international media, you are giving me two impressions: you are not clean enough to be there, and its hard to imagine how you could represent Malaysia on a global platform.
Thats all for now, I wish for the coming election, We will vote with our brains and heart, we will vote with courage to face challenges instead of fear , we will be voting for the youth and coming generations.